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EIDI - Electro Impulse Deicing

Electro Impulse Deicing is an acceleration based deicer for use on large aircraft, ship and bridge surfaces for general ice protection. The system was developed in collaboration with a NASA Glenn SBIR program. An electromagnetic coil is placed behind the surface skin that induces strong eddy currents in the metal surface. As a result, strong opposing forces are developed between the actuator coil and the metal skin. This results in a rapid acceleration that sheds and de-bonds ice into the air stream in a very efficient manner (ice layers can be shed as thin as .050").
Eddy-Current Type Actuator Operating Principle

EIDI represents a technically advanced low power deicing system alternative to electrothemal and bleed air anti-icing systems. IDI's Icing Onset Sensorcan be added to the basic system to provide an autonomous mode of operation. The IOS detects the initiation of ice accretion (icing onset) and continuously monitors the amount of accumulation. When the accumulation reaches a thickness threshold at which efficient clearing is possible, the sensor commands the deicer to fire. Because the sensor continuously monitors the accumulation, the sensor can determine if the ice was properly shed or if another clearing cycle is required. The sensor continues to monitor accretion and initiate deicing cycles as required.

IDI is known for development of advance deicing technology as we were part of the development team for a new Expulsive de-icing system recently certified for the Raytheon Premier I business jet. This system was the first all new de-icing technology FAA certified in over 30 years.

IDI provides engineering services to adapt or custom design new de-icing systems to meet specific customer needs for aircraft, ships, bridges, buildings and antenna structures.

EIDI has significant performance and cost advantages over currently-available Deicing Systems


  • Electrically operated
  • Very low power consumption
  • Erosion resistant
  • Low cost solid state design
  • Reliable and maintenance-free
  • Fault-tolerant operation
  • Graceful degradation

Check out the EIDI Evaluation Kit

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